how to stay safe from Anatsa banking trojan

Find 5 other Android apps that drain your account: what are they?

Five more really risky apps have been found. They're infected with something called the Anatsa trojan. This sneaky virus spies on people's phones and...
How Does Stress Affect Our Health

How Does Stress Affect Our Health?

Stress is a normal part of being human. It happens when we encounter certain situations that make us feel worried or threatened. But if...
Galaxy will have AI

MWC 2024 : Samsung Announces Which Galaxy will Have AI

Samsung is getting ready to introduce Galaxy AI features to more of its smartphones and tablets with an upcoming One UI update. Last month, when...
Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga: The secret to a new sense of well-being while sitting

Yoga on the Chair : Yoga is a practice that helps improve your body's flexibility and overall well-being through breathing exercises. While yoga has many...
Fortnite is coming back

Fortnite is coming back to the iPhone, But only in the EU

Great news for Fortnite fans! After three years of Apple suspending Epic Games' developer account, the game is making a comeback to the App...
Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds: A Hollywood Star, Successful Businessman and Football Supporter

A picture of the Hollywood actor tells the story of how he went from acting in TV comedies to being a successful businessman and...
Google Cloud BigQuery

Google Cloud BigQuery: How and when to use BigQuery to save and store your...

In today's world, companies collect a lot of data. They gather information about how well their products work, what customers do, and how the...
identity theft

The Digital Shield: How companies can protect themselves from identity theft

Almost all business websites aren't well-guarded against cyberattacks and identity theft. Besides phishing emails, there are other ways attackers can get in. Having experts...